About Us

I was driving between the two churches I pastor in Texas. The drive is about 130 miles one way. I do this at least twice a week, and during one of these trips, God began to speak to me. I was continually praying about how to change our churches, communities, and the world. God dropped The Mission Initiative Bible Program or MIBP into my heart and we began to work toward that vision. The vision is simple, raise-up pastors with a Kingdom mindset to change their world. We set out to write the curriculum that would be taught at MIBP with that Kingdom mindset. A Kingdom mindset is a mindset of not only evangelizing the world but empowering the believer through discipleship and training to live a life displaying the Glory of God! This mindset is not about getting out of here to go to heaven but to change here to be like heaven. “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven”.

Mission Statement

Using the principles of the Kingdom of God to train Pastors and establish churches based on those principles.

Our Volunteers

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While there is no cost for the Missions Initiative Bible Program to the Pastor or student at the moment, there is still a great need for class materials, internet, or data service, for the online classes and for the in-person school, those things plus housing, and food. Everything that is given, 100% goes to the MIBP school to be able to offer this free of charge to the Pastors/students.